Our days are full of the joys of learning! Every day at Norbury Hill Cubs is different and the children enjoy a multitude of activities, classes and outings.

Our delightful French classes with Madame Raymonde of Le Club Français are tailored for all our children. The atmosphere is filled with laughter, curiosity, and a zest for learning. Madam teaches the vibrant world of the French language and culture through engaging activities such as songs, games, and interactive stories.

NHC understands the various benefits of children learning an additional language from a young age including:

Improving brain structure
Studies have shown clear structural improvements in the brains of bilingual people, as well as demonstrating that learning a second language can stimulate the growth of grey matter. Therefore, NHC children start off with French from an early age which gives them an enormous advantage.

Increasing cultural intelligence
In a multicultural society, it is very important for children to learn about other countries, cultures and traditions. Learning a foreign language at NHC provides the perfect backdrop for exploring these things and can help children act appropriately in culturally diverse situations.

Taking an inclusive approach
At NHC, we find that a key benefit of teaching a language at a very young age is its inclusivity. We find that despite ability, all children take away something positive from the sessions. Whether they’re verbal, non-verbal, disabled, non-disabled, or speak English as a second language, they all share the common experience of learning something new together.

The lovely Josie from Beam Yoga Academy comes to teach our children at Norbury Hill Cubs yoga. All the children are entranced not only by Josie but by her interactive classes which are tailored specifically for early years children. The class provides an atmosphere of serenity, playfulness, and exploration.

We have found Yoga has such a positive impact on our children including:

  • Helping children manage their anxiety. The breathing exercises and relaxation techniques learned from practicing yoga can help children with stress management.
  • Improve children’s emotional regulation. Children learn to be in the present moment while relaxing and gaining a peaceful state of mind, which ultimately improves their emotional regulation.
  • Boost children’s self-esteem. Perfecting a pose and improving their balance and flexibility can give young children a sense of personal empowerment.
  • Increase children’s body awareness and mindfulness. Going through a variety of yoga poses helps children learn about their bodies and the movements they’re capable of doing.

Mr Ed Music Man has been teaching music at Norbury Hill Cubs for over a decade now and is a firm favourite with all the children at our nursery.

From the moment Mr Ed starts his classes the air is alive with rhythm, melody, and boundless creativity. Our Garden House area is transformed into a hub of musical innovation. Mr Ed always plans his classes according to our theme and is always ready with catchy tunes and rhythmic sounds on his guitar he truly ignites a lifelong love for music for all the children at NHC!

Mr Ed uses Makaton during his classes which are beneficial providing a simple language to use and learn for all the children particularly aiding those who are very young and also those with speech, language and learning difficulties.

Music with Mr Ed exposes our children to challenges and multi-sensory experiences which enhance learning abilities and encourage cognitive development.

Our outing trips for early years children are enchanting adventures filled with excitement, exploration, and boundless wonder. With planning and supervision, our little explorers go on captivating journeys to enriching destinations that ignite their curiosity and stimulate their senses. Whether it's a visit to a local farm to meet friendly animals, a trip to local park, or a nature walk through the lush wilderness to discover hidden treasures, each excursion is meticulously crafted to provide meaningful learning experiences that complement our classroom curriculum. Led by our dedicated practitioners who nurture a safe and supportive environment, our young adventurers eagerly immerse themselves in new sights, sounds, and sensations, fostering a deep appreciation for the world around them. NHC outings not only spark a sense of wonder and discovery but also instil important life skills such as teamwork, independence, and cultural awareness, laying the foundation for a lifelong love of learning and exploration.

Our heartwarming care home visit for early years children is a special occasion filled with compassion, joy, and intergenerational connection. With careful guidance and preparation, our little ones go on board on a journey of empathy and understanding as they visit the residents of our local care home Beulah Vista Care Home. In the cozy atmosphere of the care home, children engage in meaningful interactions with the elderly, sharing stories, interacting with planned activities and laughter. Led by compassionate caregivers and our wonderful practitioners who facilitate the visit with sensitivity and respect, our young visitors bring light and warmth into the lives of the residents, while also gaining valuable life lessons about kindness, compassion, and the importance of cherishing every moment. Through this enriching experience, children learn the beauty of giving back to their community and forge precious bonds that transcend generations, leaving a lasting impact on both the young and the elderly alike.

© 2024 Norbury Hill Cubs